In reply to the discussion: Not a political religion thread, but are there any Church Secretaries, Office Managers, Admins... [View all]JustFiveMoreMinutes
(2,133 posts)The church is actually amazing! The Missions and Outreach and Nurturing and the Youth Group has really taken off with our new Directors! (They're at a pool party as I type!)
There are always the few congregants who are gruff and will complain if a new visitor is 'sitting in their spot'. But 90% of the regular attendees (350 - 400) are so generous and giving of their time and contributions it is surely a blessing to our community and surrounding area!
But then we 'come downstairs'..
And the office is a fiasco.. and I'm taking most of the brunt of being the 'problem' but it's because I was hired under one Job Description.. and since then it's slowly eroded away.. that I'm nothing more than a glorified clerk.. I even got called in by the pastor, because I sent a 'lets move the staff meeting' due to us having 8 people now (in a small conference room) and there are known heating/cooling issues in the one we meet in. Manager? Can't even 'ask can we' without going through the Pastor?
I am slowly learning NOTHING is discussed 'between meetings'.. from staff to committee to special events.
It's true I may be the issue... but it's because I've walked into a dark room filled with gas fumes and struck a match and everything exploded.
Church is not the place to point out the 'Emperor has no Clothes'. (Whoever that emperor is .. and in my humble observations.. the pastor has delegated all matters that he should handle.. to the Ministerial Staff who pretty much run the church, run the committees.. and can have some impact on the Missions.. but fortunately a woman's group (loosely associated with the church) runs those.
Thanks for you story! It's very helpful.
It is time for me to acquiesce to the situation (I've already quit going to sermons and all my volunteering) and just be quiet and get paid the same whether the Mean Girls rule or not.
My naivete' thinking a church office would be different is shocking obvious. Now to see if makes me backslide to my past strong distaste for Organized Religion.