Did God pick tRump like he did King David? [View all]
Takes a whole lot of Loop-holes to build that Temple.
If tRump were to follow David, like in the Bible, Seems he might have slew the whole Viet Cong Army, or at least their top warrior. David the Shepard killed Goliath with a pebble. tRump brought a letter from his dad's doctor to get out of that job. They even enlisted Hebrew numerology to prove beyond any doubt.
On the other hand, there might be more fitting ones to be made. King Ahab, for instance, was concupiscent, capricious, easily controlled by women, coveted property, feigned devotion to Yahweh while leading his nation into idolatry, and treated the prophet Elijah — the closest thing to an honest journalist you’ll find in ancient Israel — as an enemy of the state. Herod the Tetrarch is another strong contender — an adulterous divorcé who loved to build things with public money, beheaded John the Baptist because his attractive daughter-in-law/niece asked him to, and (according to the Book of Acts¹) was ultimately struck dead by the Lord for allowing a crowd at one of his political orations to worship him as a god.
Feel free to use this with religious relatives on turkey day at the table.