The reaction from the church is feigned shock that anyone would dare use their venerated rituals as a means of protest.
Not surprisingly we see the same reaction from RCC apologists who defend other venerated rituals, even going to far as to defend particular rituals in the extreme example of when they are used to provide aid, comfort, and cover for child rapists. If someone so much as dare suggest those venerated rituals are less important than even children getting raped or some of the most oppressed in society being further marginalized, well that's just intolerance. It's as if tolerance somehow demands we must tolerate the most disgusting and vile actions so long as they are carried out in the name of religion.
To be fair this type of behavior isn't unique to the RCC. Right before our eyes we have people like the Vice President of the US carrying out a crusade of Christian dominance under the banner of religious freedom. This paradox of tolerance is playing out exactly as Karl Popper warned us about 70 years ago. While the idea of tolerance is certainly noble and vital, we should never underestimate the determination of the intolerant to weaponize tolerance against us.