A quick THANK YOU ALL for the great vibes last night [View all]
I am far less sore today than I should be, based on the pounding my ol' bod took yesterday. I was even able to walk the doggies for 2 miles, although jogging was definitely not an option.
I found an 'antique' bottle of arnica spray lurking in my med cabinet, so spritzed myself with that. About 10-15 minutes later I got up and realized I wasn't nearly as stiff as the last time I'd gotten out of my chair. I chalked it up to the arnica for about a minute....and then got an email from a DUer who had sent me Reiki right during the time just ahead of when the stiffness dissolved. I am convinced it was the Reiki because she picked up on pain in my rib as well. I'd had pain in my side right after the fall, but had forgotten about it because sitting, standing and walking don't aggravate it. I palpated around and -- lo and behold -- I was bruised on my lowest rib on my right side and a little toward my back!!!! I felt it only when I'm doing twisting-type movements (like rolling over and getting back to my feet).
This morning the rib is fine. The hip only slightly sore. Although still a bit stiff and sore, my thigh is no longer rock-hard.
Thank you all so much! You guys ROCK!!!!!!