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Astrology of the Sandy Hook Massacre
by Alex Miller on January 8, 2013
By now were all too familiar with the storya lone gunman, an outsider, disturbed, unbalanced, arms himself with semiautomatic weapons and kills a group of innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just another day in America.
And were also distressingly informed about the details of this particular shooting spree. 20 children aged six and seven shot multiple times each at their elementary school; six teachers and staff killed there as well; the shooters mother killed earlier at home while she slept; the killer taking his own life as police approached.
Astrologically, I have never before encountered a current events story with this much data and detail, and its quite overwhelming. As dramatic as the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting was last summer, this one is orders of magnitude greater. Of the 28 dead (including the shooter), all but two have asteroid referents for their names, as do the school itself and the community of Newtown, Connecticut where the tragedy occurred. Even the make of the guns used are represented. And with birth dates available for all of the victims, the amount of data for analysis is staggering.
Overarching this and many more similar tragedies recently is the ongoing square between Uranus and Pluto, which dominates our time. Violent, uncontrolled, primal and unpredictable, this aspect is the root cause of the incredible gun violence we have seen this year, from Auroras movie theater shooting in July through the Sikh temple carnage in August, the spa shooting in Wisconsin in October, and the Oregon mall shooting just three days before Sandy Hook. Although the square was not exact at the time of the shooting, the two planets are not out of orb of aspect all year, and a key side factor that day set them off strongly.
For 19 consecutive months, from April 2012 through August 2013, the Moon will be occulting Pluto when they make their monthly conjunction. An occultation, literally a hiding, occurs when a larger body passes directly in front of a smaller one, from our perspective, completely blotting it out from our sight. Like any other type of eclipse, occultations focus and highlight the energies of the points involved, bringing attention and manifestation in their wake. The occultation of Pluto by the Moon is a rare celestial event which has not happened in almost 80 years; to have 19 in a row now, while Pluto struggles with Uranus, is a portent of major change and potentially devastating ramifications.
... conclusion at link