...anyone can find this out when they file for a divorce, lol. Suddenly all that "love" you used to have is all focused on the contract made after the vows that was in reality about who owns what.
I read once, tho I am not sure this is true, that the marriage ceremony the Church uses came from the Greeks. They created marriage because of inheritance for two unrelated men when they wanted each other to inherit and neither had children. The Church took it over and made it into what it is today, so some say. From what I know about the Church and how it took over local customs and then "sanitized" them, this could be true. It is beyond funny.
My East Indian Christian friends I mention in the OP told me a sad story about the history of their church. When the Portuguese invaded them in the 15th century, the invaders came upon their church, which Thomas The Doubter had established soon after Jesus' death. These idiots burned the church to the ground because they said it was not really Christian when they saw there were no statues in the church. This is because their church had been established by a man who was Jewish and they strictly followed the Jewish tradition not to have "any graven image". The Portuguese church had Greek and Roman roots, which simply converted those beautiful statues of gods and goddesses into saints, Jesus and Mary.
To me, if this is true about the marriage ceremony, I cannot help but be amused because this would be the ultimate irony when these religious wingnuts proclaim marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman.
Love, Cat