then people from the bottom trying to drag me down into the mud with them.
Mostly they don't exist in my universe any more, but once in a while I step outside my door or listen to my answering machine and there they are.
Still trying to learn not to fear them, due to memories of real damage done in the past, and to "lose them" without generating karmic waves, so to speak. That is, in spite of my fear, to handle the situations gently but firmly. "No" means "NO."
It helps, I find, to remember I am carrying a big stick (eg, my experience with my work schedule yesterday), but only show a little glimpse of it.
Another, tougher, example is my neighbor across the street. After years of occasional harassment by him, he is suddenly being nicey-nice. His harassment never harmed me -- despite his attempt, for example, to turn my horses loose into the busy road -- but he is in a position to really make my life miserable due to close proximity.
I don't know whether he is trying to case my house for robbery or whether he's thinking of replacing his current girlfriend with me
But I really just want to be left the hell alone, especially by him and certain other immediate neighbors.
I will be taking some steps this summer. I plan to replace my dead and cut down maple with a tall hedge. Hopefully CMP will take down the other maple, that wants to overhang the powerlines.
Also to put up "no trespassing" signs across the front, so any trespassing will immediately be criminal.
And once mud season is over, will go back to using the back door when I come and go.
Out of sight, out of mind, and all that...