Dreams can be very complex and operate on a number of levels, which I am sure is not news to you. It is possible that you see your own situation reflected in the national scene. The dream operates on two levels, then: it says that you feel that we need to move forward as a nation and you need to move forward in your own life, too.
It's certainly an interesting dream when viewed from that perspective. Only you can say whether this is its meaning.
As your last sentence indicates, though, you are frustrated and when we have feelings like that and get no resolution any other way, it will come out in a dream.
It might be helpful for you to look into your astrological chart. It will tell when things are going to break for you.
Two years ago, a friend who scoffs at astrology, was in a situation like yours. He was not moving along in his career like he wanted. In fact he was in a torturously boring job and was barely able to go to work each day. At the end of his rope, he asked me to look at his chart.
I'm not that great with astrology but I can look at a chart and get some of it through traditional astrological means but more often, I get feelings off it. Looking at his chart, I could see he was going to get some relief for a short period in the summer and then in the fall, he would move forward, probably with another job.
And in fact, that is just what happened. The short period of relief was the rearrangement of some key people in his organization. In the fall, he was offered another position, much more along the lines of what he wants to do in life.
