I thought this was fascinating, considering recent events:
Donald Trump is an entertainer, and a performer. We have seen a different version of Donald
Trump at different times. There is a campaign rally Trump, there is a board room Trump, there is a
reality star Trump, and there is a politician Trump. But there is only one Donald Trump who tweets
at 3 in the morning. One of the main reasons why President Trump will get into trouble is that he is
not going to give up his habit of tweeting in the middle of the night. Another reason that will get
Trump into trouble is his enthusiasm and anxiousness to normalize relations with Russia, and the
alleged Golden Shower tape if it exists. Also Donald Trump will find it difficult to separate the
Office of President from his businesses, because Trump is going to act more like a King or an
Emperor, rather than a President. President Trump will be dealing with three very important issues
soon after the inauguration ceremony, as Saturn transits his natal moon and aspects his natal Sun,
Russia Sanctions/Involvement in US Election, Obamacare repeal, and Immigration reform. We will
see many changes in President Trumps cabinet team during his first term, hiring and firing will go
on throughout his Presidential Term. Many cabinet team members will voluntarily resign from their
positions during Trumps first term because they will find it difficult to work for him. There is no
doubt Donald Trump has some very powerful planets in his astrology chart. But the problem is
Donald Trump became President in the mahadasha of the most difficult planet in his astrology
chart, that is Jupiter the ruler of 8th house and badhaka house. So his Presidential Term will mostly
be consumed by number of investigations, law suits, protests, and may be war as well, that will leave
him with very little time to accomplish anything positive for the country or Make America Great
Again. Many may even question the legitimacy of his Presidency. Honestly, the problem with
Donald Trump is he doesnt know what he doesnt know, because he has no political or military
experience. So get ready for a really rough ride for next 4 years.