Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing
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I have a bunch of observations about the current times/events and this seems a good place to express them, if I may.
It's hard to know how far back to start... Let's take the last few weeks since the Solstice in Dec.
The outer planets have been getting activated by a number of aspects that come around once in a century or two and then some are an annual event, the important thing is to notice how the energies released by these aspects indicate what we are experiencing in our politics... past present and future and extrapolating that understanding to figure out what's likely coming up in short order.
We have, since the middle of December, had Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus make a station and begin forward motion (in geocentric terms, of course). Then there was a Solstice, a change of season, an eclipse with another one next week and a whole bunch of stuff I can't even get into without losing my point.
This year, we started with an ongoing line up of the inner planets and Mars and Jupiter along with these eclipses. But a big couple things happened when the big news about the nightmare in DC, Uranus became stationary last Saturday. The planet of shock and awe, the effect lasts for weeks if not longer, Cohen announced he'd be talking to Congress right about then, right? Big surprise for some.
Then Pluto and the Sun got together yesterday, an annual event, but in between an eclipse set and while other stuff of importance is occurring, we suddenly get this news of the FBI investigation with IQ45 as the target (and don't forget that Russia is a Scorpio country, we are Cancerian).
What I think, and have since this all got started in 2016, is that all the dark nasty stuff is about to emerge on the public stage and we are due for some serious soul searching as a species when it's all done. We are likely going to find out things that will horrify us but will give us the tools to change what is wrong, at least that's what I'm hoping the final outcome looks like.
There is much more to come but I think we have the proper House to start making this correction, if not, we are not just toast as a country, we'll be burnt, soggy toast. I'm hoping for a healing of humanity, that would be the positive outcome.
I know the info isn't really precise but I get big picture visions and sometimes very detailed stuff, this is big picture, seems to be coming in pieces.