I've been sewing purses, semi obsessively for almost a year.
Have been joking that I've such an embarrassment of riches when it comes to fabric, that it might smother me in my tiny yurt if I don't sculpt some of it into one form or another.
They are mostly smallish in square, triangular, and an odd five sided shape that my mum said looks like bikini bottoms. I said, yeah for large women, they're more like bloomer bottoms."
Over the last 7 months or so, I've been installing secret pockets under the flap of the inner pockets (generally the size of cell phones), I've been joking that I may embroider them with "I love the TSA," just to see if they'd notice and to dispel a few potential airport snafus.
The initial idea was to ask people to tell me three colors that they find especially nourishing right now, and try to find prints that suits their request. The most challenging one thus far was Burgundy, tangerine, and turquoise. That came from a really passionate jeweler.
So their custom made and one of a kind.
I'll try to get some photo's up soon.
Oh yeah, I also do readings tarot & astrology readings over the phone.
They are great gifts for those who have enough stuff but very little direction in these transitional times.
Rates are always scaled in accordance to means.
Happy FestivasEclipseSolsticeChristmasHannakaKwanzaaGeorgianCalendarNewYear !!! not necessarily in that order.
Let's make this coming year far better than all our wondrously wildly inspired imaginings and blow the minds of all those unenlightened prognostications of the dementors of doom.
This has been rolling around the "intertubes" for a while yet I still really like it.