About the murder of Trayvon Martin. [View all]
I just got some insight from my spirit guides. It seems it was his life contract to fulfill because it will cause a tipping point in all the injustices that this country is suffering from right now. The downright racism and lynching nature of this action is going to be a catalyst for really examining the racism that is part of the national dialogue that we are witnessing now. The code words, the stealing from the poor to keep them beaten down. The two-tiered justice system to keep those on the bottom half of the economic scale begging and poor. The race baiting of national spokespersons, whether from journalists, entertainers or politicians is going to start leaving a sour taste behind to those who once hung on every word these purveyors of hate propaganda spewed.
Watch for them to come tumbling down, one by one. This tragic young man will be remembered in the future as a hero and a martyred victim, a symbol for all such persons who were murdered for no reason other than unreasoned hatred of someone who is different from them. Things are going to change and rapidly. Also, start looking for some real scrutiny to be given to the abuses by what seems to be our emerging police state. May the light shown on them start the cockroaches within those institutions to start running. We need police to protect and defend us from real criminals, but they should not be used as armed thugs legally allowed to squash down those who are considered undesirables.
This young man did not die in vain.