The entire business model that applies to late-stage capitalist healthcare will never advance the needs of the people. The equity holders NEVER do profit (in their minds) by doing more for more people. All subsequent business decisions flow from that premise. The premiums, the marketing plans, the lobbying, the campaign donations, the strategies - down to the the types of CEOs. executives and medical directors they hire.
The idea that preventive care $$ save acute care $$ downstream is not compelling to corporatists. Why? Because Americans largely get their health plan thru an employer - and that employer decides which plans and services they will offer the employees. Every year or so, the employers re-price competing plans and often change for a cheaper/better deal. So the NEW health plan derives benefits from the PRIOR health plan's preventive care $$. Add also the fact that employees come and go, adding further to continuity problems.
I would love to see American healthcare removed from the backs of employers and returned to the individual human being. I would like to see it handled as a non-profit enterprise. Or at least under strict regulations and pricing constraints. But Reptiles Rule at this point in the USA. So don't hold you breath.
Your comments about the food supply are fine - but that industry has it's own Reptiles too.
(btw: I worked in healthcare IT for many years, and participated in several health plan merger consolidations. I also have a Masters in Public Health).