OK all you gifted people, what is going on here? [View all]
Something interesting (I would even say strange) is happening here in my life and it is beyond confusing.
Over the past week I have reconnected with THREE people who I thought were out of my life for good. I never had big fights with them or anything, but I just thought they were gone because of something ...uncomfortable. I cared about them all. One "estrangement" was me failing them (like not sticking up for them when I should have), another was because I was friends with someone they disagreed with and they assumed I was not in her corner( I sympathized with both of them) and one did fail me.
We actually had tears, forgiveness, and reconnection. BTW none of these people are connected or know each other (that I know of). If they found one another without me as their common link, it would be a miracle since they live in different parts of the country, so I know it is not some kind of masterminded "intervention" or anything.
Is it the planets, my soul coming to some "closure", or what? I am not thinking anyone has the "answer" so much as wondering if something Universally is happening that is affecting others like it is to me.
Cat in Seattle