Odd natal number for a president with such "Birth Certificate" issues [View all]
Natal Astrology Report for Barack Obama
August 4, 1961
7:24 PM
Honolulu, Hawaii
Calculated for:
Standard time, Time Zone 10 hours West
Latitude: 21 N 18 25 Longitude: 157 W 51 30
Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun 12 Leo 33
Moon 3 Gem 21
Mercury 2 Leo 20
Venus 1 Can 47
Mars 22 Vir 35
Jupiter 0 Aqu 52
Saturn 25 Cap 20
Uranus 25 Leo 16
Neptune 8 Sco 36 Pluto 6 Vir 59
N. Node 27 Leo 18
Asc. 18 Aqu 03
MC 28 Sco 54
2nd cusp 25 Pis 55
3rd cusp 0 Tau 18
5th cusp 23 Gem 59
6th cusp 19 Can 01
The President's Natal numerology is an 11. Only 11 and 22 are considered "perfect" irreducible numbers. All other numbers in natal numerology must be reduced to single digits.
Numerology 11 & 22 : The Master Numbers
In Numerology most numbers are reduced down to a single digit, for example a 25 is reduced to a 7 by adding (2 + 5 = 7), and 18 becomes a 9 when 1 is added to 8 then "reduces" and becomes a 9 (1+8=9). However, in Numerology 11 & 22 require unique attention. These are called the Master Numbers.
A person with an Expression or Life Path that reduces down fully to an 11 or 22 are said to be endowed with special gifts of high-level inspiration and leadership, but their life may also be very challenging and highly paradoxical. For instance: Michael Jordan, Bill Clinton, and Tim McGraw, are number 11's, and: John Assaraf, Dean Martin, and Sir Richard Branson are 22's.
Clinton and Obama have another thing in common. They are both Leos.