We really are an incredibly needy bunch! I do hope you know how very much you are loved and appreciated! We are living in some very interesting times and I have to reflect on that old curse, "May you live in interesting times..."
It never fails to amaze and delight me to see how the planetary energies manifest in us all. Until I had the opportunity to read and learn from you and all our other astrologers here I don't think I fully internalized just how universal those energies really are. I've always been a huge fan of people watching, and seeing the trends in behavior has always been a part of that. When I look around and see a lot of people on edge all at once it makes me stop and ask why. Used to be that I'd maybe see it as weather related, or maybe even chalk it up to the moon phase. Now, I look a lot deeper into the solar system for answers, and by golly they ARE there!
This most recent "behavior wave" has been such a pronounced thing that it was impossible to miss. I have two friends that are arguing right now that I NEVER would have expected to ever see mad at each other--let alone so mad they are not even speaking! I see all the little spats online--either here or on Facebook--and I can just FEEL the anger and tension simmering away. I go into my office and I listen to people as they talk about their lives and that angst is right THERE--it is out front and palpable. Amazing stuff, but also cautionary, I think. I have to wonder how many people will react in anger and fear and then hurt themselves by blowing up rather than rolling with it and growing. How many opportunities will be lost, I wonder...
We all carry our burdens, and we carry them in different ways. I've known that all my life. What I don't think I ever realized before now, was the fact that those burdens very often come out to play when prodded by outside energies like T-squares and other progressions. I can't begin to tell you how much easier it has made my own life to know and understand that this stuff will ultimately pass and it will leave improvement and growth in its wake. Yes, I AM like a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers, but instead of waiting for gloom and doom to hit I'm just waiting *poised to jump* for the changes that will come. Rick, that attitude is mostly due to what you've taught me, and I thank you for that.
As my mom used to say, "Keep your powder dry" everybody!