Religions that practice shunning [View all]
I know some religions practice some form or another of shunning those who leave. I am only familiar with the Jehovahs witnesses because I was one of them for around 6 years until I left back around 1997.
Shunning, the JW way, is the most cruel thing I have ever seen, and I have see a lot of things. When someone commits a sin, the elders of a congregation and disfellowship a person, and when they do all of the congregation, and any JW no matter where they are from, cut the person off and treat them as if they are dead to them. Family members can only talk with those disfellowship ones for emergency family matters, or business issues that may affect a family with a business. Parents will shun their children, children will shun parents, brothers and sister will shun each other, grandparents will shun grandchildren, and grandchildren will shun gran parents. Families are destroyed because of their shunning practice. All of your so called "friends" will no longer talk to you, or even give you the time of day. You don't know what it is like unless you have been the one being shunned. The JW organization will deny they break up families by shunning them, but they do.
I am curious about any other groups that shun those who leave, and if their shunning is the same as JW's, who claim it is Jehovah's will that those who no longer want to be one of them, or those who have sinned according to the elders. I would warn anyone who might be thinking about joining this religious group, to do a lot of research about them before making a decision. It is a very high control religion that makes a lot of claims that are false, and who use fear to control their members. Not only the fear of shunning but the fear that a person will never make it into their "new system" if they leave the group. They teach that only JW's will survive Armageddon when it comes. If you leave you will not be saved.