How QAnon Conspiracy Is Spreading In Christian Communities Across The U.S. [View all]
Heard on All Things Considered August 21, 20203:47 PM ET
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with journalist Katelyn Beaty about the spread of the QAnon conspiracy theory in Christian communities in the United States. (7 minute listen)
This was a chilling listen. Katelyn Beaty wrote an article on the QAnon conspiracy spreading in evangelical churches for Religious News and was interviewed today on NPR.
The QAnon conspiracy is apparently spreading rapidly in evangelical churches thanks to religious language and imagery. It's good vs. evil is being married to themes of Christians vs. Satan, causing followers to "other" those who disagree. Pastors trying to cope were interviewed too.
How do you counter that kind of conspiracy in a way that will be received? Some focus on emphasizing teachings that we are supposed to love our enemies, and similar ones.
I've started taking note of how FOX News and Rush etc. "others" us. It seems to me to make it more likely that violence could be directed our way, especially if linked to a religious belief that they are good fighting evil pedophiles out to destroy their "savior." I hope not, but recognize it is in the realm of possibility.