only for the husband's injury, not God's.
For the fetus, a fine is paid as determined by the husband
= the fetus has no standing, only the husband has rights of recompense for his lost property
if the woman is injured or dies, "lex talionis" is applied -- life for life, eye for eye,
= who would inflict that punishment that's equal to the injury
From my studies, the Bible isn't about contradicting verses; it's about the West's 4,000 year evolving of morality and God consciousness. The New Testament, according to its writers, constitutes a superseding (not contradicting) covenant and knowledge of God, the historical Jesus as God taking human form, as God's "son," and of Love, Law and Justice. There are over 65 quotable verses about "Life," but not one is about when life begins. And so the Hebrew concept of God "breathing" Life and Soul is not superseded and still stands.
For instance, in Genesis, God breathed life into his fully created Adam and Eve. Gen 2: 7
As for today...
as a scholar of Jewish Studies, I appreciate how rabbinic sources grapple with the complexity of the issue and offer multiple perspectives.
What Jewish texts say
Traditional Jewish practice is based on careful reading of biblical and rabbinic teachings. The process yields halakha, generally translated as Jewish law but deriving from the Hebrew root for walking a path.
Even though many Jews do not feel bound by halakha, the value it attaches to ongoing study and reasoned argument fundamentally shapes Jewish thought.
The majority of foundational Jewish texts assert that a fetus does not attain the status of personhood until birth.
And as the video explains by proofs,
"The Bible says a LOT about what is forbidden.
The authors of the Bible definitely knew about abortion.
If the authors of the Bible wanted to forbid abortion they would have forbidden abortion.
It is unreasonable to think the authors of the Bible thought that abortion was a grievous and unforgivable sin but simply forgot to include "abortion" for thousands of years...."