All opinions below are my own and are meant to be as non-dual as possible and to help enrich understanding.
I found Eckhart via Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist by D. T. Suzuki.
This book is available on the internet. (PDF)
Here are some "spoiler" articles. YMMV.
What Eckhart calls the ground, is comparable to the Mystic Law in Buddhism.
And interestingly enough, Eckhart was roughly contemporary with Buddhist philosopher Nichiren, a votary of the Lotus Sutra, and the mystic law in the sutra's name and nutshell Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, which expresses nonduality in terms of transience and the "center point" (you might say ground) between opposites, cause and effect, and interdependence and interpenetration of all beings and phenomena. It also expresses the intersection of the infinite "unchanging" and the temporal.
The fabric of our lives is comprised of both a fundamental and enduring truth as well as the busy reality of our daily existence with its uniqueness and variety. (SGI-USA). The Lotus Sutra expresses this in the innumerable meanings chapter. A Christian interpretation might be that God experiences the universe through the uniqueness and variety of our experiences, creating meaning; the more diverse the experiences, the more meaning we create.
And, as with the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh, comparisons are just that, not equivalences.
As I read Eckhart, I thought that his mysticism, however Buddhist it may seem, could make one a better Christian.
At "times", I'll pause in my walk, and contemplate "Get Beyond Time", the title of one of Eckhart's chapters in Discourses.
I am familiar with Blakney's book
Meister Eckhart : A modern translation (1941) It's available at the Internet Archive, which unfortunately is recovering from an attack. Hopefully, it will be back soon.
Its index is here: (as PDF, three pages)
Of course, one can always buy it ...
I am familiar with the above, so the following is thorough but harder for me to navigate. Still fascinating.
The Complete Works of Meister Eckhart is/are available here (PDF)