To split this group, or not? [View all]
Over at the religion group we have been talking about the possibility of a subgroup dedicated to Unitarian Universalism and radically free-thinking religion in general. Seems to me that the "Progressive People of Faith" part of this group's title might work well with what I am proposing. Do any of you have any thoughts on that?
Or, we can try to grow the UU presence here at this group. We have many UU's of liberal (ethically-centered, non-dogmatic) Christian faith, although our understanding of liberalism is likely more radical and freedom-driven than other liberal Christian denominations. Of course there is a lot of overlap between us all, as we work together and support one another in many areas.
Again, we welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Ron S.
(...admin of the Faith of the Free FB page, at... -- and the "Unitarian Universalism" FB group, at...