The (orthodox) Jewish view of abortion [View all]
Yeah, it's not so simple....
The question of abortion is perhaps one of the most sensitive and charged topics in the political sphere. As is often the case, Judaisms view is quite nuanced and does not necessarily fit squarely into either side of the debate. We will try to present a basic overview of the Jewish approach to abortion by presenting the main sources on the subject, in both the Hebrew Bible as well as the Oral Torah.
The first reference to abortion is in Genesis, when Noah and his descendants are forbidden to murder: One who sheds the blood of man through man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of G‑d He made man.1
The sages of the Talmud point out that the phrase one who sheds the blood of man through man is more accurately translated as one who sheds the blood of man within man. Based on this Rabbi Ishmael learns that under ordinary circumstances the killing of a fetus is considered a capital offense for all descendants of Noah, i.e., humankind.2
Read in isolation, one could conclude that abortion is akin to murder. But things are not so simple. Here is what we read in Exodus:
Should men quarrel and hit a pregnant woman, and she miscarried but there is no fatality, he shall surely be punished when the womans husband makes demands of him, and he shall give [restitution] according to the judges [orders].3
Since the Torah obligates only a monetary compensation but no capital punishment, the Torah seemingly views the fetus as property, not as a human life.
There are various ways of reconciling these verses (see footnote4). All agree, however, that under ordinary circumstances abortion is prohibited.