(Jewish Group) 'There are no words': Highland Park recalls shooting victim's work with Jewish kids, [View all]
There are no words: Highland Park recalls shooting victims work with Jewish kids, couples
In the Jewish communities on Chicagos North Shore, Jacki Lovi Sundheim taught preschoolers and made sure adolescents were ready for their bnei mitzvahs and that couples were prepared for their wedding ceremonies.
She was murdered by a gunman Monday as she watched a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park. The 63-year-old grew up in the city and had worked for decades at North Shore Congregation Israel, a Reform synagogue in nearby Glencoe.
Sundheims nephew, Luke Sundheim, was at a different parade in Winnetka, Illinois, a few miles south of Highland Park, when he learned that his aunt had been killed.
Jacki was senselessly gunned down watching a parade that shes been to her entire life, he wrote on Facebook. If you knew Jacki youd know that she was one of the kindest people youd ever meet and she went out of her way to help anyone.