Jewish Group
In reply to the discussion: American Jews must demand more from our progressive allies [View all]MyMission
(2,000 posts)Some fringe-left groups are aligning with anti-Zionist organizations in the wake of Hamas's attack on Israel, by expressing support for Hamass atrocities in the name of resistance and liberation. The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the World Workers Party, chapters of the Democratic Socialists for America, independent chapters of Black Lives Matter and more have shared these views in official statements and on social media. These groups are also helping to organize in-person, anti-Israel events, where participants are sharing further support for terrorism and violence, as well as expressing antisemitic rhetoric.
I also understand showing support for the Palestinian civilians.
Many just want to live their lives, in peace, but many are raised with hate and want to destroy Israel, Jews, and reclaim Palestine. Perhaps there are so many children because many are breeding fighters for their cause, and birth control is probably taboo. I would think we need a peacekeeping force there after this war ends, with the hope and purpose to establish a free and democratic society. Otherwise other factions will try to seize control, like Hezbollah, Taliban, isis, Islamic jihad, etc.
You ask a good question about who represents the people of Gaza?
Hamas was elected in 2006, last election they had! Kind of what we fear could happen here if tfg gets back in office, especially with gerrymandering and taking over the state legislatures, the school and election boards, and various courts. Imagine a USA run by the GOPQ...
I see Hamas and the GOPQ as extreme political parties advocating violence and retribution and subjugation and censorship and hate. The people that support them fall into a few categories. Some are mean, hateful, or self-righteous to start, others are brainwashed or go along out of pressure or fear or convenience or greed, some are plain stupid, some are misguided, and many are delusional and living in their own (alternate) reality with alternative facts.
Not all Palestinians support Hamas, not all Republicans support tfg, but a great many do and would go along with whatever agenda and directives the leaders set. I don't trust republicans. As Americans our reputation was damaged when tfg was in charge; our allies didn't trust us. Didn't mean we were all bad, but the tone was set. The same goes for Palestinians, with Hamas in charge. Hamas is the ruling party, the only party allowed, and their policies are anti-Israel. I don't trust them. I wish I could, as I wish I could trust rethugs, but their behaviors and "policies" prevent that, at the present time and for the foreseeable future.