Thanks for the opportunity to vent and share.
They think it's their business, their mission.
I've encountered way too many, going on missions to save souls. That's why I picked the name "my mission," which is to oppose their missions, religious and political. As a Jewish girl it's my personal joke.
Living in the South for 20 years I've heard this same story quite a few times, from many who grew up here. For example
1) As a child, my Rabbi M had a close christian friend who often expressed deep concern and distress that M would go to hell because he didn't believe in Jesus. His friend was worried about his soul. They didn't remain friends.
2) Classmates of a friend's Jewish child told her they were very sorry she'd be going to hell, because she didn't believe in Jesus, and the child replied "Jews don't believe in hell." She works with Jewish agencies to help those in need, Jews and non Jews.
3) When I moved here I worked for the adult High school and GED programs at the local college. Several students in adult high were foster kids who'd aged out of the system, lost foster homes, and were there to finish high school. They lived with a Christian man and his wife who took in such kids, taught them a trade, made sure they finished high school and went to church. Noble efforts, to be sure. One day he came to pick up two of the students, and he said in all sincerity "You seem like a nice woman, a good and caring teacher. The boys like you. I need to tell you, the boys are I are truly concerned you'll be going to hell because you don't accept Jesus as your savior."
My mouth literally fell open, and I was speechless, dumbfounded by his words. I grew up in NYC, lived there over 40 years, never heard such a thing. After I'd lived here a while I started to hear stories like mine and the first 2. I also met a woman who was so excited to meet me because she'd never met or spoken with a Jewish person. A novelty?!?
When I have conversations with Christians who claim to know the old testament they often focus on particular lines and verses to show their knowledge and argue for accepting the new testament. I really try to avoid such conversations, but here in the South they're bound to happen. It's the Bible belt.
I imagine they are the same everywhere.
Creepy love indeed. And most would turn on us in a heartbeat if their pastor or church dictated they do so.
Sadly I think there's an equal number who freely admit they hate us, don't want to save our souls, just want to destroy us.
Rant done!