. . . as the roots of the violence is rooted in the Sunni extremism of groups like al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Boko Haram. Behind this is the desire to establish not only a new Caliphate but a Caliphate that is the ultimate political ruler of the world. Seen in this way, the demonstrations and near riots in the streets of America, the great Shaitan, could portend the beginning of this destruction of the non-Islamic people and the establishment of the world Caliphate. Inherent in this is convert or die. Or become a third-class citizen, little better than a slave. We ignore this at our great peril.
So why Israel? I can't really say, other than Israel seems like the cork in the bottle and the place in the Middle East that is the exact opposite of the Islamist ideal. Israel allows for sexual and religious freedom, anathema to the Islamists. A gay day parade in Iran would be high in the sky hanging from cranes by the neck. Or flying lessons off of a building in Gaza. Women in Israel are fully allowed to be in the military, dress immodestly, and have all of the freedoms available to have. We know what women's rights are in the Islamist countries. There aren't any.
This is why when I see the antisemitism rearing its ugly rectum in the West, I get why it is being manipulated into existence. Hamas put Israel into a place where they knew without any doubt how bad the retribution would be and wanted it to be as bad as possible for the sole purpose of inciting the anger of the world against Israel. Hence, the children may have been killed by Israel, but really murdered by Hamas. And the world blames Israel, who the Islamists want out of the Middle East. Not for their land, but for their freedoms.
This is a significant and frightening time. At least that is how I perceive it.