Nuclear power has its own problems that we need to understand. [View all]
This discussion thread was locked by eppur_se_muova (a host of the Science group).
At the moment nuclear plants are not economically viable.
Nuclear provides what? 19% of our energy for 2021. They also take about 7 years to be built and cost a whole lot. Like 30 billion. We have what 90 or so now. So, we need 5 times more nuclear plants than we have now, about 340 more at 30 billion each = 10.2 trillion. That's almost half our entire GDP. And that is feasible? That is economically viable? You going to give 7% of your money for 7 years? I dont have a problem with nuclear, I wish we had more of them, like about now I wish we had 340 more. But we don't. And we are not going to for a while if ever. I'm an lets use whatever we can to save ourselves from what I know is going to be a very, very horrible situation in a much shorter time span than most people think. Personally? Lets build as many nuclear reactors and as much renewable energy as we can.
This is not in any way to say that other non carbon producing forms of electricity don't have their own problems that need to be addressed. Its just to point out that nuclear is not going to be our savior anymore than any of the other alternatives. As I said, we need all we can get.