Davis' martyr-for-a-day stunt underscores her deep sense of entitlement. Her mother was the Clerk of Rowan County before her, she worked for her mother for years, and when her mother retired, she ran to fill the seat. Davis' son now works in the office, setting himself up to replace Mom when she retires - or is thrown out, whichever comes first.
The problem with Davis' little stunt - and make no mistake, a stunt by any other name is still a stunt - is that she purports to elevate her personal beliefs above the law of the land. Davis could bow out of the actual act of issuing the marriage license and let another in the office do the duty, but she has refused, "because it violates her beliefs." No matter the beliefs of the two gentlemen and others - straights included - who seek a marriage license - or even the law of the land, Davis' believes her beliefs stand paramount.
As Country Clerk of Rowan County, is is Davis's CIVIL responsibility to uphold the law of the land. Issuing marriage licenses is a CIVIL action, not religious. If Davis and the other members of their christian coven do not want to welcome a same-sex couple into their ministry, they do not have to, because we have freedom of religion. We also have freedom FROM religion, guaranteeing that someone like Davis cannot take it upon themselves to force their religious beliefs upon others. THINK THIS ONE THROUGH, PEOPLE. If we all - christian, buddhist, jew, muslim or atheist - do not stand up and reaffirm freedom of and from religion for us all, and put stunt artists like Davis squarely where they belong, it won't be long until none of us have true religious freedom.
And where does Davis belong? If she is unable to reconcile her "beliefs" with her CIVIL duties and responsibilities she swore to uphold, then she belongs in the unemployment line.