This Week in God (Maddow blog) [View all]
But all week, one thing about this story has bugged me: doesnt Davis have a lawyer? Someone to represent her legal interests? What kind of counsel would go along with Davis scheme to ignore her oath, the law, a Supreme Court ruling, and court orders?
A report from Right Wing Watch answers this question nicely.
Yesterday, Davis attorney, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, appeared on Crosstalk to defend Davis, claiming that she is simply trying to do her job, or at least, her job as she sees it. He even likened her to a Jewish person living under Nazi rule.
Thats not a joke, by the way. Staver argued this week, [W]hat happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the problems, then they killed them. He added, The fact of the matter is, she has a right to this employment and you dont lose your constitutional liberties just because you are employed by the government.
A day later, Staver repeated the Nazi analogy: Back in the 1930s, it began with the Jews, where they were evicted from public employment, then boycotted in their private employment, then stigmatized and that led to the gas chambers. This is the new persecution of Christians here in this country.
The whole thing: