Dear American Catholics, stop calling yourself Catholic and quit the church [View all]
This is a piece by Andrew Seidel, an attorney for FFRF, if you're not following him on Facebook, you're missing out.
With the popes impending visit, the wall separating state and church is going to be breached as politicians attempt to please their seemingly large Roman Catholic constituencies. But how many of those constituents are actually Catholic? His visit might be a good time for America Catholics to reflect on their faith and ask, Am I really a Catholic?
The Roman Catholic Church claims almost 1.2 billion adherents worldwide and a steadily declining percentage of Americans, now about 21%. But can they truly believe everything that a Catholic is required to believe? Do they even know what they are
required to believe?
If you consider yourself a Catholic, you owe it to yourself take a hard look at the beliefs required by your Churchs religious law. Arguably the most repellent precept in canon law is also the most important for people claiming to be Catholic:
. . . [A] religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals . . . therefore, the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it. Canon 752.
This anti-human, totalitarian sentiment lies at the heart of all religions, but one rarely sees it so clearly stated. This also means that Catholics cannot pick and choose from the tenets of their religion. According to that law, there is no such thing as a cafeteria Catholic.
If you use birth control, youre not a Catholic. If you dont believe in magic, youre not a Catholic. If you find cannibalism abhorrent, or even slightly distasteful, youre not a Catholic. And thats OK! But now its time to find the courage to stand up and tell the world, Im not a Catholic.
Much more at link.
And his Facebook page: