...saying of the Pope, "The fact is that his infallibility is on religious matters, not on political ones,".
We can all "wonder how he will like the religious matters that the Pope has been speaking about, like taxing churches if they are not charitable. Or is that political instead of religious too?".
My suggestion for a better meme in these matters is to understand and say that the Pope is speaking about morality and ethics.
For a Catholic, the Pope is infallible in speaking for Jesus' message; that message is wholly morality.
Morality and ethics very much belong in our nation political dialog.
One limited, reality-challenged point of view based in willful ignorance can not be allowed to say what morality is; nor to claim that ethics is rooted only in one limited scripture.
I'd be delighted if the REGRESSIVES (correct label for the right-wing evangelical, republican, falsely called conservative) stopped using applying their absolutist god-given mandates and instead applied our god-given manifest-human compassion and sensitivity and love and inclusiveness and etcetera.
We are the progressives. Why, when most everyone wants 'progress' (variously defined), is the word/concept/action called "progressive" so rejected by the regressives? RECLAIM the NAME
The Progressive, upon investigating the reality of the status quo, says we can make it better. example: Voter rights.
The Conservative, upon investigating the reality of the status quo, says we can live with it. example: Tens of thousands of American gun deaths annually.
The Regressive, upon rejecting reality for a fantasy of the status quo ante, says we can roll it back. Example: Eliminate unions.