Teacher Allegedly Forces 4-Year-Old to Write With Right Hand, 'Cause the Left One Belongs to Satan [View all]
An Oklahoma four-year-old was reportedly saved from demonic possession last week after a sharp-eyed pre-K teacher noticed him writing with his left handthe devils hand.
The anonymous hero teacher didnt bother contacting the boys mother, Alisha Sandsalso a left-hander and therefore under Satans powerjust told the boy to write with his right hand from now on, and told that ol devil to let that child be!
But Sands and Satan cottoned onto what happened when they noticed young Zayde writing with his right (on so many levels!) hand at home, and challenged him about the change.
I just asked Is there anything his teachers ever asked about his hands? And he raises this one and says this ones bad, Sands told NewsChannel 4.
She wrote a note to the teacher with her demonic left hand, and got back an article explaining that lefties are unlucky, evil, and sinister, and the devil himself is left-handed.