Ken Ham accuses Bill Nye of telling women what to do with their bodies [View all]
Outstanding rant in support of women's reproductive rights by Dan Arel:
Ken Ham accuses Bill Nye of telling women what to do with their bodies
September 28, 2015 by Dan Arel
If you look up the word hypocrisy in the dictionary, it should now have a link to Ken Hams
latest blog post in which the creationist who calls abortion murder, accuses Bill Nye of telling women what to do with their bodies.
This weekend, science communicator
Bill Nye, released a video on Big Think in which he said that anti-abortion advocates had no idea what they were talking about when it came to abortion.
Many, many more hundreds of eggs are fertilized than become humans, he says, because not all of those eggs will attach to a womans uterine wall and result in pregnancy. But if youre going to hold that as a standardthat life begins at conception and any egg thats fertilized has the same rights as an individualwell, Whom do you sue? Whom do you throw in jail? he asks. Every woman who has had a fertilized egg pass through her? Every guy whose sperm has fertilized an egg and then it didnt become a human?
In the video, Nye argued that abortion was a womans choice and not one we should be forcing on them because of personally held beliefs or because of our own ignorance about what abortion is.
Of course, somehow, Ken Ham watched that video and thought Nye was telling women what to do.
To clarify: Ken Ham believes abortion is murder and believes we must stop all women from having one. He believes in laws that make abortions illegal. He literally tells women they should never have an abortion. Yes, he is doing exactly what he is accusing Nye of doing.
Ken Ham may be a minority in many of his beliefs, but his outright willful ignorance when it comes to womens rights and his blatant carelessness when it comes to fighting for laws that personally affect their bodies and not his own is dangerous.
Ken Ham is a villain, he is a horrible, moralless creature unworthy of even an ounce of human respect. Ham and others like him must have a light shined on them and we must ridicule their beliefs and ideologies. They dont deserve to be respected and we should not afford them the pleasure.