Tennessee County May Ask God To Spare Them And Smite Someone Else [View all]
Some days the news is too surreal not to share:
"A Tennessee county plans to take up a resolution begging God for mercy and asking that the deity not smite their community "like Sodom and Gomorrah" because of the Supreme Court's ruling legalizing gay marriage.
The "resolution condemning judicial tyranny and petitioning Gods mercy" was written by Blount County commissioner Karen Miller and will come up for consideration at Tuesday night's meeting.
Miller's resolution claims the "so help me God" part of the oath taken by lawmakers means they are committed not only to upholding the U.S. Constitution but also "higher Natural Law."
As such, the resolution calls on lawmakers throughout the state "to protect Natural Marriage, from lawless court opinions, AND THE financial schemes of the enemies of righteousness wherever the source AND defend the Moral Standards of Tennessee."