Haven't we all had Jesus shoved in our face and we hate them for it? [View all]
My example:
My mom died in 2002. I called her younger sister to inform her of her death and she gave me a commercial for Jesus, saying "I urge you to believe" etc. She was a Methodist. She said "When you have a funeral, I want to be there." I kept telling her, "Nope. Don't believe. No evidence."
So, to cure that problem, because I was pissed at her for doing that, and pissed at my cranky, nasty, elderly mom who had just died, I did not have a funeral. I just had her cremated per her wishes.
It seems like Christians love to get in our faces and try to convert us. If they can't convert us, they tell us we're going to hell. I have been told that about studying Buddhism, by a neighbor.
It never occurs to them that we don't want to hear about their religion, we've had it shoved in our faces in the United States all our lives, and all that talking about Jesus does nothing but make a lot of us more determined to never set foot in a Christian church again if we can help it.
They don't realize that their obsession with talking about God and Jesus all the time turns us off and makes us actively avoid them.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Jesus. Where I live there is a church on every other corner and no other form of spirituality is allowed except a few narrow versions of Protestantism. And they hate ALL foreigners and immigrants too. I believe if they are white people they are probably descended from immigrants from Europe. And they have forgotten that where we live used to be called "Mexico". Racist bigots who cannot imagine anyone that does NOT believe exactly the way they do. Or tell us to leave.
We have to have closed Facebook groups to get together and have intelligent conversations about other subjects.