For you I have just fallen down the rabbit hole [View all]
Because I'm no longer a star member I see adverts (sorry if I sound like a small boy being interviewed by Bruce Willis). One of these adverts was for "alkaline water" or more accurately a device that separates"alkaline water" from "acid water" by ions, the Life 9100 by Enagic. Obviously with a model number that high the devices must be pretty near perfect ...
Sorry, I'm having difficulty keeping a straight face - just a mo
Right, Sorry
Now, according to the theory hypothesis proposal word salad
Alkaline Water being the healthiest drinking water available to us, because it will increase the pH of your body, detoxifies and has an abundance of anti-oxidants
This via
Dr Aust's Spleen Where Dr Aust correctly points out that anti-oxidants are organic materials and that contaminating your water with organic materials is not a good idea indeed I describe it on a scale ranging from "pollution" via "soup" to "poisoning"
This lead me onto a blog post from 2010 at
Respectful Insolence Which describes one such device being a "biophoton ionizer". the blog post contains a quote from Photonic Water Systems website
After hundreds of years spent studying the nature of matter, physicists can now demonstrate that everything in our world is made of molecules that are made of atoms that are made of subatomic bits of energy endlessly vibrating at different frequencies. These units of energy carry information. That information interacts with the information of our cells in either beneficial or damaging ways.
We now know that the photonic energy carried by Natures original, living water is far more important than the particulates it may contain. In fact, revitalizing water to its creative state not only inactivates harmful pathogens and chemicals, it does so by removing the memory they leave behind.
Photon energy is light energy, and when the frequency of light is present, life is enhanced and optimized. We are re-entering the era of light because were now able to detect, understand and photograph what has been there for us all along.
I'm sorry ... I can't take it any more