Occupy Underground
In reply to the discussion: yes, 99% spring is a fraud [View all]Mc Mike
(9,175 posts)The fact that you're responding to a post where I gave their web site info, showing their 'official' name, says that I know what they're called. You siezed on my terminology in an earlier post to pick a disagreement, but the terminology was just for the purposes of defining 3 distinct groups, that look like allies to me. You're mad about Spring 99 using 'the 99%', then upset at me for not using the name 'Occupy Pittsburgh', which doesn't have '99%' in the name. Since my term 'official OWS 99%' was used to concede to pure Occupy members that they have a legit claim to the '99%' part, you got me coming and going. I'm not really sorry that I'm not involved in Occupy in a way that measures up to your standards, since I don't know you, but I'd rather share happiness and a laugh with an ally, than share a vituperative argument. All of our issues would progress better that way.
'Official' OWS 99% ers have to decide how to outreach to non-politicized members of the 99%, in what ways seem to be most effective for them. As an allied 99%er, I don't interfere with their internal decision making process, but humorless dogmatism is probably not the way to go. I've supported them as a rank-and-file 99%er more than a large majority of the local masses have, at their actions, through donations, by informing others about upcoming events, and through verbal and on-line arguments with right-wingers that attack them. I never showed up with voter registration forms, or Dem candidate literature, at their campsite or actions. Their movement has never been hurt by my participation, and they want the whole 99% population to be engaged, on the important issues Occupy works on locally and nationally.
I've been backing 99% causes around here for more than 25 years, before the 'officials' were a gleam in adbuster's (or whoever's) eye. The more successful they are, the better I like it.
You can't call me on the carpet for corporate moves that some Dems have made, at least you can't do so fairly.
Two 'official' Occupiers made the pitch for the May Day strike at the Spring 99% training, at the Postal Workers Union Hall on the Northside. That supports the General Strike. At the first two events for Spring, Occupiers handed out leaflets for the General Strike, both NYC's and Pgh's. Occupy hands out action info leaflets at Spring's actions, and Spring hands out action leaflets at Occupy's actions, not in competition, but in co-operation. Both have supported labor, and labor has supported both.
I support the 5-1 General Strike, now I just need my IBEW union hall to get me a job, so I can not show up to it on May Day. Otherwise, it takes some of the fun away from participating in it. Best wishes to you, and solidarity.