Occupy Underground
In reply to the discussion: yes, 99% spring is a fraud [View all]Mc Mike
(9,175 posts)I wandered stupidly into the Occupy Forum, by typing 'spring 99' into the main site search box, then not paying attention to the blue thread info up top. After my first post, I never went through the latest threads, forum & groups, Occupy Underground sub-threads to get here. I've since been stupidly scratching my head about the anti-Dem party stuff that I've been responding to. I just this minute saw the Forum or Group: Occupy Underground (group) line above the reply title box! I hate to admit it, but it looks like you've been arguing with an idiot. You and the other posters are completely within your rights to post it, in my opinion. We probably understand each other as much as we're ever going to, and Occupy 99% has my respect.
The current repug party agenda looks like fascism on steroids to me. They're attacking women, civil rights, voting rights, LGBT rights, the environment, labor, the elderly, students, the poor, troops and vets, religious minorities, consumers, taxpayers, etc. The 99%. They're doing it for the 1%, largely defined as a bunch of old right-wing fake-christian wasp zillionaire repug men. They're using the state and federal offices they took over to do it.
There are 99% issue groups fighting for each of the above categories of Americans under attack. I've acted for, & contributed to them, and they are currently giving me a long list of Dem candidates to back. A lot of good incumbents and challengers, and I back them how and when I'm able to.
The 'official' Dem, Labor, and Spring bosses have never accused me of believing in their authority too much. But I can write, talk, think, leaflet, chant, and outreach with the best of them, once there's an agreed upon action and issue.
I wish your outfit the best, and am in solidarity with your goals, if not all methods. I'll lobby the shyte out of any Dem I can get into office, on 99% er issues. Lobbying a repug is like banging your head against a brick wall.