Army Of 50,000 Ready For Arrest If Obama OKs Keystone
WASHINGTON — Environmentalists are promising mass arrests and acts of civil disobedience if the Obama administration moves forward with a controversial pipeline project through the Midwest — even as Obama's political arm seeks to use the project in its latest fundraiser.
Opponents to the Keystone XL pipeline, which would run from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, said they have more than 50,000 recruits ready to be jailed as part of one of the largest broad-scale direct-action protests in their movement's history.
"With our Keystone XL pledge of resistance, over 50,000 of us have put President Obama on notice that we will risk arrest to make him take meaningful action on climate by rejecting Keystone XL," said Becky Bond, political director at CREDO, a San Francisco–based progressive group that has protested Obama over Keystone before. The group has also stood with the administration on issues like gun control but it says it has a list of more than 50,000 activists ready to be arrested in civil disobedience actions should Obama approve the pipeline.
Although during a recent meeting with the House GOP President Obama raised pipeline supporters' hopes that he remains open to backing the project, on Thursday his newly independent political operation invoked Keystone in a call to action.
It seems like the only way Keystone XL gets blocked, or delayed, is if there is pressure from the people. If there is enough pressure from people the Democrats could get scared and kick the ball down the road for the next Republican president to pick it up and run with it. And then we'll fight the Republicans, which could be an easier fight because liberals don't block for them.
Yeah true after things like the Monsanto vote, and just everything they do in DC, it's hard to be too hopeful. But really I almost don't care any more what they do because I'd love to see 20,000 people walking onto the pipeline easement in Nebraska or where ever, which is what I hope happens, because we already tried asking nicely and it doesn't work. I signed this
pledge to resist and I really think it's time to start escalating stuff to mass non-violent disruptions. And people are definitely doing such things. Especially the Tar Sands Blockade people. Their
Stop Tar Sands Profiteers Week of Action was a Huge Success with 55 Actions Across the Continent. The main thing is we need more people. Maybe if or when Obama approves this pipeline that will be the wake up call people need to get involved. The establishment doesn't want to rile people up too much. That's why I still have a little hope it could be blocked but barely care anymore.
Here's a video