One: They lied through their teeth many years ago to secure the licensing needed by the US EPA, in order to be able to sell RoundUp over the counter to unsuspecting people in this country.
How did they lie? They claimed their product was 41% glyphosate, 15% Polyoxyethalenamine, (POEA) and the rest ws water. In actual fact, there was formaldehyde in the mix. How do I know this? Back when I was an indie reporter, I was contacted by Bob Simon, PhD, who spent many years as a forensic witness on behalf of families suing Monsanto.
Simon found this out when the court forced Monsanto to reveal its actual and secret paperwork on the composition of the substance. What troubled Simon at the time he realized that formaldehyde was in the mix, it was like a "Duh!" moment for him. After all, glyphosate by itself is in cake form, and some kind of aldehyde is necessary for the cake to be able to become spray-able.
This means that for several decades people were exposed to formaldehyde. One result of this is countless cases of Multiple Sclerosis. Formaldehyde ranks in the TOP TEN of most nasty chemicals, right after nuke radiation, benzene, mercury and then formaldehyde.
Since sometime in the 1990's, the formaldehyde has been replaced by a different aldheyde. We the Consumers in this nation need to upset the apple cart of the EPA licensing practices. There is no reason under the sun for the EPA to not run a gas spectrometry(GS) test against substances the Big Companies want to license. None. And the notion that the Big Companies need "proprietary control" and shouldn't have to tell the EPA what is inside their products is ridiculous - because any company that wants to know what is in the other company's product only has to run a GS scan of the product.
This is all done so that the Big Companies can continue to poison us. We pay for stuff that should be put inside expensive Super Fund containers and then shipped off to expensive Super Fund sites, but since the toxins are sold to us, our purchases are saving the companies a bundle,who then also profit from our doing this. Wonder why Febreeze, Glade etc is promoted so much? It is NOT so much because they want profits on these products - they want us to buy it so the benzene and formaldehyde in these products is not Super Funded by them!
Two: Activists who have looked into RoundUp have found out some rather painful truths about RoundUp. For one thing, the product can combine with your prescription meds so that the meds are taken into your body in a more serious manner than intended - much like how grapefruit juice increases the effects of certain meds. But your pharmacist will warn you not to combine such and such a prescription med with grapefruit juice. Few people are aware that they are harming themselves by being on certain meds while using RoundUp.
Three: In keeping with the above, people with celiac disease are upping their risk of having stomach cancers by about 4000 percent if they use RoundUp. My neighborhood lost one of its shining lights a few years ago. E was a ground keeper for a big country club that used RoundUp. It is as safe as table salt, his employer told him. No one explained to him that Roundup when used by a celiac patient is a deadly mix. He was diagnosed with late stage stomach cancer and dead within nine months! Oh well, this nation's "elected officials" are mostly in Monsanto's employ, so this will continue to happen til we wipe Monsanto off the face of the earth.