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MRA Debating Tactics (Humorous, But All Too True)
(Note: they all start as, MRA debating:
, which Im simply leaving out for the sake of avoiding repetition. Also, Ive extended and embellished some of them beyond the original character length to be more precise in what I mean.)
1. Mock feminists until theyre angry, then say, See? I told you feminists are all just angry bitches pissed off at men. Self-fulfilling prophecies are always a good tactic.
2. Be polite, at least until your friends show up, then attack en masse to overwhelm. And dont actually win the debate, just fight. Intellectualism is so tedious, after all, and some anti-MRM people are really quite good at it.
3. Ask for research and evidence, then dismiss it all arbitrarily with no explanation when given and say that feminists have no evidence. It doesnt matter that feminists actually do have entire fields of research to back them up, or statistics, or experts, and that you dont have any. If you wont admit her evidence, it doesnt have to matter!
4. Define patriarchy as rule of fathers, and then show how fathers dont rule so you can say patriarchy isnt real, completely avoiding any actual discussion of patriarchy as an anthropological and sociological phenomenon. Indeed, its best to avoid actual science and research altogether, that shit is hard to understand.
5. Wrongly accuse feminists of committing logical fallacies even when its apparent that you dont have a firm grasp on propositional logic. Hope everyone wont notice, and hope everyone assumes that logical fallacies assert the falsehood of a statement. They dont, but if no one notices, youre good!
6. You dont need intellectual integrity. If one of your buddies is clearly losing a debate with a feminist, jump in and back up his arguments no matter how stupid or ineffectual they are. The more the merrier!
there are thirty examples at the link, and I recognize every single one of them.