Authoritarian parenting and sexism/misogyny: is there a correlation? [View all]
Authoritarian parents have high expectations of their children and have very strict rules that they expect to be followed unconditionally. According to [Diana] Baumrind, these parents "are obedience- and status-oriented, and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation." People with this parenting style often utilize punishment rather than discipline, but are not willing or able to explain the reasoning behind their rules.
Characteristics of the Authoritarian Parenting Style
Authoritarian parents:
Have strict rules and expectations.
Very demanding, but not responsive.
Don't express much warmth or nurturing.
Utilize punishments with little or no explanation.
Don't give children choices or options.
The Effects of Authoritarian Parenting
Parenting styles have been associated with a variety of child outcomes including social skills and academic performance.
The children of authoritarian parents:
Tend to associate obedience and success with love.
Some children display more aggressive behavior outside the home.
Others may act fearful or overly shy around others.
Often have lower self-esteem.
Have difficulty in social situations.
Perhaps there is a positive correlation between authoritarian parenting styles and (at least, more obvious) divisions within families between the father's authority and everyone else (the mother, the children) lack of authority?