Harrowing story of a 17th century battered wife uncovered in 1684 pamphlet [View all]
Beaten, starved and threatened with a gun:
Mary Hampson's harrowing story appears in a pamphlet published in 1684
Charts abuse at hands of her husband, including beatings and starvation
One incident involved him holding a pistol to her throat late at night
Has been turned into a book called The Case of Mistress Mary Hampson
By: Ruth Styles
A pamphlet detailing the beatings, threats and intimidation endured by a Yorkshire housewife more than 300 years ago has been uncovered by academics at the University of Huddersfield.
In the work, which dates from 1684, a woman named Mary Hampson lists the catalogue of abuse she suffered at the hands of her overbearing and violent husband.
Although Mrs Hampson eventually escaped her abusive spouse, she first endured being beaten and starved and a violent incident involving a gun - all of which is detailed in in A Plain and Compendious Relation of the Case of Mrs Mary Hampson.
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<Yes, this is from The Daily Mail>