Freedom is great, but who is deciding what "freedom" means in this context? Teaching little girls that their self worth is encased in sexually desirability is as far from " freedom" as you can get.
Still, the answer IMO is education, not censorship, reasonable choices, not gendered, underpaying jobs or following a path that leads to the many forms of prostitution. It CAN be a choice, but currently is more of an gathering of a very limited options to make a living; (topless barista????) thus how much harm are we causes young girls with this over sexualization?
Or, allowing the clearly sexist and unfair gender gap to continue.
We have women entering college In greater numbers than men--which is concerning and there's a couple of great theories why, but more concerning are the women who can't afford collage at all. We are breaking into many fields previously if not forbidden, strongly discouraged, like physics, chemistry, architecture, Tech. Politics. Every one has problems with sexism. Every one. So teaching little girls about these options, letting them know they exist, encouraging them I believe will trump the Miley's of the world.
We will continue the fight, though activism, through social media, and for me to proudly voting democrat. Getting our youth educated and working.
My oldest daughter is pregnant with her first daughter and last child. She has 3 boys. She is appalled at "all the princess crap; if my daughter wants to be a princess fine-- but I'm not shoving it down her throat".
She, Being raised by a feminist Mom, I get to hear things about my oldest grandson like "he really tries not to objectify women"