Of Course Women Are Getting Sexually Harassed by Drones [View all]
Classic derailment in the comment section. And also What the hell teaches their son this is ok?
As the old saying goes, "If you build it, the forces of patriarchy will co-opt it in order to make women harassed, threatened and/or sexually objectified." And so it is: earlier this week, a woman took to Reddit in order to describe her experiences being sexually harassed by a remote-operated drone.
Per the Daily Dot, a woman writing under the username Forthelulzaccount posted a story about being harassed on a "private, residential beach" in Virginia. She and her mother were sunbathing, she says, when she heard a strange sound overhead:
We heard this whirring noise above us and I looked up and saw a remote-controlled planeone of the square ones that can move really articulately in all directions. No big deal. I turned back down and napped more.
Then I noticed: a. It was getting really close to women. Like, straight up in their asses close, flying really low, staying there for probably three minutes at a time, and b. it had a camera on it.
In an email, she told the Daily Dot that the drone, which was two-foot-by-two-foot, was "clearly making other women at the beach uncomfortable," probably because it was hovering around their asses for three minutes at a time.