Of Course Women Are Getting Sexually Harassed by Drones [View all]
Well isn't this just lovely.
Of Course Women Are Getting Sexually Harassed by Drones
As the old saying goes, "If you build it, the forces of patriarchy will co-opt it in order to make women harassed, threatened and/or sexually objectified." And so it is: earlier this week, a woman took to Reddit in order to describe her experiences being sexually harassed by a remote-operated drone.
Per the Daily Dot, a woman writing under the username Forthelulzaccount posted a story about being harassed on a "private, residential beach" in Virginia. She and her mother were sunbathing, she says, when she heard a strange sound overhead...
...Then I noticed: a. It was getting really close to women. Like, straight up in their asses close, flying really low, staying there for probably three minutes at a time, and b. it had a camera on it.
... When it approached her, she went to throw her water bottle at it. It backed up, which indicated to her that the operator was nearby, which was a correct assumption she soon noticed a middle-aged man and a teenager, presumably his son, sitting up on the dunes and holding a remote. The middle-aged man was giving the teenager instructions. Because nothing says "wholesome family bonding" like taking your offspring to the beach and instructing him in the ways of chauvinist male pig-ism ("You see, son, their visible discomfort doesn't matter, because we are 100% entitled to the bodies of every woman alive! If they didn't want people videotaping them without their permission, they would just never leave the house!" .... MORE