Why are straight white men such a strongly Republican voter bloc? [View all]
According to this link (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/16/us/politics/gay-vote-seen-as-crucial-in-obamas-victory.html?_r=0), Obama won 76 percent of the LGBT community's votes in 2012.
According to this link (http://feministing.com/2012/11/12/race-and-the-gender-gap-white-women-supported-romney-by-56-to-42-percent/), Obama's single-best voter bloc was black women, winning a whopping 96 percent of their votes. White men were Romney's fourth-best group, and he won 62 percent of their votes (compared to 47 percent of the nation's votes as a whole).
I imagine Romney did even better among straight white men than he did among white men as a whole. The question I pose is simply this-why are straight white men voting for the Republican Party en masse? Surely straight white men are just as progressive as anyone else? (After all, I learned on a progressive site that there is no such thing as white privilege or male privilege-or straight privilege, for that matter. )