who never see this shit in their life, cause they are so sheltered and have chosen well, what is in their world. who is in their world. they listened. they knew,.. they support. they even speak. they can challenge me in their speak out. i respect their speak out. i insist on their speak out. i learn so much. makes me smarter. more capable of seeing. of course i want what they have to say, ... disgressed.
they are seeing it in their own personal world, in their own time and space. and sitting here thinking about it. these boys are talking about it. with each other. all these years. a mention here and there. but not wanting to over whelm. and all these years the boys saying.,..... ya, but it has always been this way. and then they would go into an intellectual discussion that was about derailing, lol. you know. and i would let it go. cause it is theirs to do.
i have an oldest. in university. grounding. and getting awesomely strong and confident. he is connecting with his first young woman. getting her education and toward dermatology. smart young woman. raised by a strong police woman.
i listen to my son now. and then my 16 yr old here and how he is seeing it. it is really sinking in, all on their own, that there really really is a problem here. my 22 yr old niece sittin here watching shows with us. her reaction to the sexism in the shows. finally i have someone i look to, and see her react. so ya. ok. not just me.
we are watching psych, located in santa barbara. (love the show). a couple nights ago, in season 5. in santa barbara. a man having a seminar for young men. scene, ... i say PUA? both son and niece said, whats pua
i did not want to go into it, watching a show. next scene. pua. next scene, ... it IS pua and there he is, teaching the young men how to "seduce" (and that word makes me want to vomit. hearing people use it, explain it and tell me i am suppose to be all into having that done).
by the third time. and the third time the kids said, whats pua. i said. pua shooter in santa barbara.
and they are all saying.... wow. and sure enough. we literally watched a show of it. in different ways. but it was thru out the show. like a perfect fuggin lesson. you know?
a week later. i like the the collective conscious of where we are going. i am good with it.