"Team No Hoes" [View all]
A Cincinnati woman has filed a lawsuit against the University of Cincinnati Medical Center after her medical records, including her STD diagnosis and all identifying information, were posted to a Facebook group called "Team No Hoes":
"She doesn't want to go out. She doesn't want to talk to people. People who were formerly her friends have made fun of her for it. She's chastised in the community and all of this could've been avoided if UC Med Center had proper protections in place," Allen said.
She's suing for "more than $25,000" and if she prevails, these folks will likely be paying much more than that:
In the lawsuit filed in Hamilton County Tuesday, the woman is suing UC Medical Center, an employee named Ryan Rawls, another unnamed UC employee who's believed to be a nurse, and the woman's ex-boyfriend, Raphael Bradley.
More Facebook slut shaming now with hospital records.