bell hooks will text creepy dudes for you [View all]
Making up a fake number to give to an overly-aggressive guy at a bar is a tactic as old as phone operators. But why give the guy the number for your nearest Dominoes, when you could let him talk to feminist icon bell hooks?
Instead of making up a fake number, women can now give out this one: (669) 221-6251. Unwanted admirers will receive a text in response quoting writings of bell hooks (lowercase intentional), a feminist activist and writer and the author of the book Feminism is for Everybody. Her writings have inspired hundreds of feminists, and now they can inspire some people to be a little less aggressive in their pick-up strategies.
The creators of the site are still anonymous, but they did email The Hairpin to say that "the idea is to pass that off as one's own number if you're in a dicey situation, afraid to give out your personal cell phone number or outright reject someone."
I texted the mock number to give it a try (and for a little feminist inspiration). This is what I got in return:
And from Jezebel:
Give This Number to the Dude Who Won't Leave You Alone
because we're raised to know it's safer to give a fake phone number than to directly reject an aggressive guy.
because we're raised to know that evasion or rejection can be met with violence.
because women are still threatened and punished for rejecting advances.
because (669) UGH-ASIF, WTF-DUDE, and MAJR-SHADE were taken.
Since the service started, thousands of people have started using this number. Feminist Phone Intervention has more information on donating to help keep them in service, with extra proceeds going to a latina reproductive health non-profit.